Looking to make something more of your summer than just chilling next to the pool, mocktail in hand?
(Not that there's anything wrong with that!)
Dive into these practical tips from studio BE faculty member Cory Halaby to help turn your mellow summer into a season of growth:
1. Set your intentions
Choose 2-4 "intention words" that strike you as particularly appealing or delicious. Examples might include playful and productive, creative and soulful, grateful and nature-full, connected and generous, etc.
Hint: go for words that make your body feel relaxed, expansive and free. If you come upon a word that sounds virtuous, but makes you feel tense or trapped, set it aside. Keep sorting through possibilities and see if something else really rings your chimes.
2. Calendar check
Look at the big items that are already on your calendar for the next few months (work, any trips or events you have planned, social gatherings, errands, obligations, etc.). See if there are ways to infuse those blocks of time with the spirit of your intention words.
Could you make your commute more playful? Could your family vacation really foster connection? Take some quiet time to let your inner wisdom speak. Write a long list of possibilities on your own, then maybe brainstorm with a friend or partner to further spark ideas.
3. Calendar edit
Now that your ideas are flowing, you might be inspired to add fresh material to your schedule. Could you plan some day trips that match your intention words? Are there people you want to be sure to see? Do you need to protect some hours for purposeful or creative work? Are there engagements on your calendar that clash with your intentions? Can you gracefully bow out of them?
4. Daily practice
Might you support your intentions with a new habit? Perhaps 5-10 minutes a day of journaling, meditation, mindful movement, reading, strength-training, skill-building (piano? Italian?), dancing, painting, or connecting with a friend might deliver the results you crave.
Then do it! Definitely. Start now. Keep going!
5. Embody your intention
It's one thing to make plans. It's another thing to actually live your unpredictable, imperfect life. Intentions work best when they are flexible. Keep your intention words in mind, and see if you can respond to whatever comes up in a way that aligns with your values.
When things get rained out, go wrong, or become challenging, can you roll with it in a way that matches your intention words? Can you still be playful, or purposeful, or connected to nature? Are there opportunities to be adventurous or peaceful come what may?
(You may want to write your words on your hand, or post them on sticky notes, so you remember what really matters to you.)
6. Notice and enjoy the season you yearn for
Congratulate yourself for taking time to clarify your intentions and plan for the season of your heart's desires. Going forward, your job is to pay attention, savor, and celebrate the richness of the season as it happens.
If you're hoping for salty, sandy, outdoor adventures, by all means plan them. And also, try not to miss a single moment of nature's gifts, even if you're stuck inside and your only access is an Ocean Sounds App and your imagination.
Make sure to notice each tree and bird-call on your walk home. Let your intention words swim around in your consciousness and take on lives of their own. Witness their arrival in any form they happen to take, and amplify their benefits by welcoming and appreciating them.
Let your joy and purpose be a blessing to you and all whose lives you touch.
Guest post by studio BE faculty member Cory Halaby.
Cory Halaby is a master certified life coach, certified mindfulness meditation teacher, and E-RYT 200 yoga instructor. Her Within Life Coaching Wolf Pack supports women who seek to enrich their lives and change the world through heart-centered leadership. Cory offers classes, workshops, retreats, group and individual coaching, as well as mindfulness consulting for schools and businesses. She believes in super-powers. Especially yours.
Join Cory for her Intentional Season course via studio BE. This is a targeted brainstorming series to help you design and enjoy your most fulfilling winter, spring, summer, and fall.
In this course, you'll
— Discover the benefits of "setting an intention"
— Clarify your hopes, values, and priorities
— Spark your imagination and boost your sense of possibility
— Create the season you truly yearn for
— Learn a system you can repeat each season to build a life you love
Feature photo via Good Studio/Adobe Stock