Rest August: A Time to Rest and Restore Gentle yoga styles like yin and restorative yoga, quiet and mindful practices like meditation and yoga nidra, and breathwork are all lifesavers to help us chill out. They help us transition into the space we need to stop ‘doing’ so we can rest.
Mindfulness The Second Arrow The teachings of the Buddha about the Second Arrow are a great way to understand why holding onto a grudge causes more suffering than the actual event that caused the grief.
Mindfulness The Science of Uncertainty and Its Impact on Mental Health Join Dr.Tracey Meyers as she shares why uncertainty can make us uncomfortable, anxious, or worse, and learn stratregies to reduce anxiety.
Mindful Living How to Move from Suffering to Peace: An Interview with Mark Coleman Contemplate coming of age, finding a teacher, the importance of open spaces and being in nature, and mindfulness practices with long-tine friends and colleagues, Mark Coleman and Ty Powers.
Yoga Philosophy What I’ve Learned About Stress from Yoga and Mindfulness Meditation Learn how the practices of mindfulness meditation and yoga can mitigate the harmful effects of stress from 40+ year teacher and practitioner Govinda Kai.
Metta Bring Metta Into Your Life During any challenging time, metta is a practice we can benefit from, to cultivate more peace and ease within and around us.
Anxiety Anxiety Ruled My Days: Discovering Solace on a New Path A childhood riddled with anxiety that dovetailed into an adulthood burdened with depression, Shawn found hope and a way to show himself long-needed love and compassion through mindfulness.
Beginner's Meditation How to Start (or Re-Start) a Meditation Practice If you’re feeling curious about incorporating a meditation practice into your routine— or, perhaps, you’d like to begin a practice again—studio BE's very own Adam Stonebraker is here to help.
Inner Critic Making Friends With Your Inner Committee Pretending our inner critics don't exist only makes them louder. Jessica Zambri explores what it might look like to soften toward them instead
Yoga Philosophy Reema Datta on the Philosophy, History, and Cultural Foundations of Yoga Meaningful teachings on how to weave yoga philosophy and meditation practices into our daily lives
Parenting How To Go To The Fiery Core Of Life — And Back: An Interview with Mary Esther Malloy Heartfelt reflections on parenting, embodiment, childbirth and more from a longtime mindfulness-based doula
Mental Health Mindfulness For Mental Health with Dr. Tracey Meyers Learn simple and effective mindfulness techniques from a clinical psychologist and mindfulness instructor
Mental Health How A Simple Yoga Practice Can Support Your Mental Health Not only can we feel whole again, but we can experience measurable physiological improvements in focus, sleep, blood pressure, and more
Music Music Is Mindfulness In a very real sense, we are the DJs of our lives. What soundtrack will you choose?
Tools For Well-Being Self Care As Community Care: Nourishing Our Interdependent Lives Jessica Zambri and Vivian Mac explore how meditation practice and herbalism can powerfully fuel our capacity for self and community care
Meditation Get To Know The Gathas: Meditation In Motion Practicing simple gatha verses is a lighthearted, accessible way to meditate while engaged in any activity of your daily life
Meditation How To Cultivate Happiness For All, Forever: An Interview with Sid Montz Meaningful musings from a yoga and mindfulness master
Buddhism How To Find Wisdom And A Freedom Of Heart During Times Of Transition: An Interview with Phillip Moffitt Authentic musings on change, wholeness, and more from a renowned leader in the Buddhist world
Meditation On the Powerful Relationship Between Meditation and Prayer Sarah Jane Shangraw reflects on what it means to touch into the most essential things in life — whether via meditation, prayer, or a meaningful combination of the two
Virtual Studio 7 Tips for Attending a Live Class on studio BE These quick tips for students (new and old!) will ensure a seamless, soul-nourishing practice
Antiracism How To Have Courageous Conversations About Antiracism and Leadership: An Interview with Dr. Monea Abdul-Majeed Powerful teachings from a pioneer in weaving racial equity, antiracist training, and mindfulness into the yoga world
Collective Well-Being How To Work With Personal (and Presidential) Polarities: An Interview with Ty Powers Heart-driven conversation about the Presidential election, psychology, race in America and more with a renowned meditation teacher
Work/Life Integration How To Find Solid Ground When Work/Life Boundaries Blur Working remotely can be both wonderful and challenging. Lean into these simple mindfulness practices to stay sane.
Meditation How To Take Responsibility For Your Own Awakening: An Interview with Jonathan Foust Welcome wisdom from a beloved senior meditation teacher
Yoga How To Practice For The Benefit Of All: An Interview with Elena Brower Mindful musings on art, yoga and life from a renowned author and yoga teacher